Installation and Usage
Welcome to the installation and usage guide for the altimate-django
library! This powerful library helps you maintain consistent data and prevent common issues in your Django projects. In this guide, we'll show you how to install the library, add it to your Django project, and run the altimate
command to trigger the checks.
To install altimate-django
, simply use pip
to install the package from PyPI:
Once you've installed the package, you need to add it to the INSTALLED_APPS section in your Django project's settings:
Running the Checks
To run the field checks provided by altimate_django, use Django's script and call the altimate command:
This command will analyze your models' fields and report any potential issues or inconsistencies, along with actionable recommendations to improve your code quality and data consistency.
Happy Coding!
With altimate_django installed and configured, you're ready to enhance the robustness, efficiency, and consistency of your Django applications. Enjoy building high-quality projects and be confident that your models stand the test of time!
Don't forget to check the other pages in this documentation for more information on each specific check provided by the library.